Phoenix WiFi Video Doorbell : Home Automation Series
Phoenix TechnoBell 101 is a smart Video DoorBell that comes with a free Mobile App. The doorbell connects to your Home WiFi or wired LAN and achieves 2-way intercom with your mobile phone, via the app. Whenever a visitor presses your doorbell, you get a video call on your mobile phone. On accepting the call, you can see the live-video of your visitor and talk to him/her from your smart phone. No matter where you are, you can check who is at your door.

You can also unlock your home’s main door right from your mobile phone! Phoenix TechnoBell 101 has special alarm features that send alerts to your mobile phone, even if the person at your door does NOT press the doorbell. With clear night vision camera, you can also get 24-hour surveillance of your home surroundings on your mobile phone. You can click pictures and record videos of your visitor from the mobile app. You can pair upto 8 mobile devices with a single doorbell and view detalied logs of every call and alarm in the app. Make your home SMART and SECURE with Phoenix TechnoBell-101!
You can watch a demo video here.